Source code for postmd.animate.cum_animate

import numpy as np
from .animate import Animate

[docs] class CumAnimate(Animate): def __init__(self, *args, fps:int=20, dpi:int=72, range_mode:str='auto', mode:str='mean'): """The cumulative animation of a set of data, which is usually for show the change of data with number of experiments or cumulative average. Args: *args: a set of y data ``(ydata1, ydata2, ...)``, or ``x, (ydata1, ydata2, ...)``. Each `ydata` should be a 1D array. fps (int, optional): Frames per second (FPS) setting for animation. Defaults to ``20``. dpi (int, optional): Dots per inch (DPI) resolution for animation. Defaults to ``72``. range_mode (str, optional): Determines the behavior of x and y limits in the animation. Defaults to ``'auto'``. - If set to ``'auto'``, the x and y limits will automatically adjust to the data range. - If set to ``'fix'``, the x and y limits will be fixed to a specific range. The fixed range is from the min to max of data plus 5% margin. mode (str, optional): ``"mean"``, ``"sum"`` or ``"mean"``. Defaults to `None`. - If ``mode="mean"``, the cumulative average of ``(ydata1, ydata2, ...)`` will display in order as animation. The n-th frame is ``(ydata1+ydata2+...+ydatan)/n`` - If ``mode="sum"``, the cumulative summation of ``(ydata1, ydata2, ...)`` will display in order as animation. The n-th frame is ``ydata1+ydata2+...+ydatan`` - If ``mode="sequence"``, ``ydata1``, ``ydata2``, ... will display in sequence as animation """ super().__init__(*args, fps=fps, dpi=dpi) self.range_mode = range_mode self.mode = mode self._post_process() if range_mode == 'fix': self._range_mode_fix() def _post_process(self): if self.mode == "sequence": self.ydata = self.y elif self.mode == 'sum': self.ydata = np.cumsum(self.y, axis=0) elif self.mode == 'mean': self.ydata = np.cumsum(self.y, axis=0) / (np.arange(1, self.time_steps + 1).reshape(-1,1)) def _range_mode_fix(self): x_min, x_max = np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x) padding = (x_max - x_min) * 0.05 # Add 5% margins on both sides of x axis - padding, x_max + padding) y_min, y_max = np.min(self.ydata), np.max(self.ydata) padding = (y_max - y_min) * 0.05 # Add 5% margins on both sides of y axis - padding, y_max + padding) def _init(self): self.line.set_data([], []) return self.line, def _update_data(self, n): _ydata = self.ydata[n,:] return self.x, _ydata
[docs] def show(self): super().show()
[docs] def save(self, filename, output_format=None): super().save(filename, output_format)